Category: Workshop

  • Korean Soil and Fertilizer Conference 2017

    Korean Soil and Fertilizer Conference 2017

    We were invited to present at the annual Korean Soil and Fertilizer Conference, 19. Oct. 2017  in Chung Ju (University of Chungbuk). The NAS (National Agricultural Sciences) symposium titled “Technology and Prospects of Digital Soil Mapping”. The conference was opened by the president of NAS highlighting the challenge of soil mapping and agriculture in S….

  • Digital Soil Mapping Training in Jeonju, Korea

    Digital Soil Mapping Training in Jeonju, Korea

    Brendan Malone and Budiman Minasny recently conducted a 2-day digital soil mapping training at the Rural Development Agency (RDA) Headquarter in JeonJu, S. Korea, 17-18 October 2017. The training is part o fthe research collaboration between National Institute of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Sydney. It is also supported by the Australia Korea Foundation….

  • Soil Spectral Inference Workshop

    Soil Spectral Inference Workshop

    The desire to measure soil carbon and other soil properties rapidly and more cheaply has resulted in soil spectroscopy becoming a hot topic of research in soil science over the past few years. Researchers in the Soil Security Lab in the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Agriculture and Environment have been leading the way in…

  • Lending a helping hand to develop African soil information

    Lending a helping hand to develop African soil information

    Six West African soil scientists are visiting the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources to undertake intensive training in digital soil mapping coordinated by the University of Sydney’s Associate Professor Inakwu Odeh. The visiting fellows are sponsored by AusAID as part of the Australian Leadership Awards Fellowships program. Associate Professor Inakwu Odeh and colleagues…

  • Extending the GlobalSoilMap to India

    Extending the GlobalSoilMap to India

    “To make our Agriculture more resilient and yield more; to develop appropriate and affordable technologies for rural areas”- Mr. Narendra Modi, 102nd Indian Science Congress, 03-01-2015. To celebrate the International Year of Soils, a National Soil and Water Networking Workshop was held at IIT, Kharagpur, India from 4-8 of January 2015 sponsored by Australia-India council,…